Sanjiv Chopra, MD, is Professor of Medicine and served as Faculty Dean for Continuing Medical Education at Harvard Medical School for 12 years. He serves as a Marshal Wolf Master Clinician Educator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA. Dr. Chopra is Editor-in-Chief of the Hepatology Section of “UpToDate,” the most widely used electronic textbook in the world subscribed to by more than 1.2 million physicians in 195 countries.
Dr Chopra is the author of nine books, including: the bestselling double memoir with his brother Deepak, Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny and the American Dream (2013); Dr. Chopra Says: Medical Facts and Myths Everyone Should Know (co-authored with Dr. Alan Lotvin, 2011) that received wide acclaim and has been translated into multiple languages; the paperback version of the former title, Live Better, Live Longer, the New Studies That Reveal What’s Really Good---and Bad---for Your Health (2012); Leadership by Example: The Ten Key Principles of all Great Leaders (written with David Fisher, 2012) has received singular advanced praise by many leaders in the United States and abroad; The Big Five: Five Simple Things You Can Do to Live a Longer, Healthier Life (written with David Fisher (2016); and, The Two Most Important Days: How to Find Your Purpose — And Live a Happier, Healthier Life (written with Gina Vild, Dec. 2017). among others. All of his books are published by Thomas Dunne Books, an imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
Based on decades of medical and spiritual research into well-being and leadership, and personal reflections and conversations with innumerable learned individuals, Dr. Chopra offers lectures, including:
• Leadership by Example: Dr. Chopra shares memorable stories of ten core principles of effective leadership. In this illustrated talk, he discusses historic figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Florence Nightingale and Winston Churchill, as well as contemporary leaders and ordinary folks who have led in extraordinary ways and inspired so many. He examines what makes them effective and the qualities and attributes of great leaders. Dr. Chopra will assert that great leaders listen well, have empathy, dream big, are resilient, have a sense of purpose, possess humility and humor, and have integrity and great people skills. Ultimately, they adhere to their principles and “pack other peoples’ parachutes.” Are leaders burn or are they made? Dr Chopra argues that everyone can lead.
• Dharma, Happiness and Living with Purpose: Dr. Chopra explains how Dharma (one's vocation, authenticity & truth) and "Happiness and Living with Purpose" are inextricably linked. He expounds on the 4 elements that relate to Happiness: Friends, Forgiveness, Serving others and Living with Gratitude. Mark Twain once eloquently said: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." The wellspring of "Sustained Happiness" is "Living with Purpose." Dr. Chopra tells riveting and spell binding stories, inspiring audiences to find their singular purpose in life.
• An Invitation to Good Health and Lasting Happiness: The first half of this talk is based on his latest book The Big Five. Dr. Chopra engages the audience and relays The Five Simple Keys to Good Health. They include: Exercise, Vitamin D, Coffee, Nuts, and Meditation. In the later half he defines happiness, joy and bliss and tells stories that tug at the heart and inspire members of the audience to find happiness by defining their purpose in life and serving others. As Victor Frankl once said “Happiness cannot be pursued. It must ensue as the unintended side effect of dedication to a cause greater than yourself.”
• The Top Stories in Medicine in the Last Century: Predictions About the Next 50 Years: Dr. Chopra covers the most important advancements and medical discoveries in the last 100 years from the hepatitis B vaccine to advancements in cholera rehydration. Some predictions for the next 50 years that Dr. Chopra will discuss are the possibilities to create vaccines for Cancer, HIV, Ebola, Alzhimer and Malaria. He’ll even discuss the possibility of using regenerative stem cells to replace organ transplants.
Awards Bestowed:
• The George W. Thorn Award - 1985
• Received the highest accolade from the graduating class of Harvard Medical School, the Excellence in Teaching Award - 1991
• The Robert S. Stone Award - 1995
• American Gastroenterological Association’s Distinguished Educator Award - 2003
• Elected as a Master of the American College of Physicians, a singular honor bestowed to only a select few individuals for being “citizen physicians, educational innovators, scientific thinkers and humanists who inspire those around him or her and sets the standards for quality in medicine.” - 2009
• Recipient of Ellis Island Medal of Honor for “Exemplifying outstanding qualities in both one’s personal and professional lives while continuing to preserve the richness of one’s particular heritage.” - 2012

Once upon a time, maintaining your health seemed relatively simple. But today we’re barraged by a never-ending array of conflicting medical advice. It’s all terribly confusing, and most of us aren’t sure what news we can trust and what we can ignore. Doctor Chopra Says offers a solution that will help you make the right decisions for your health.
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Sanjiv Chopra teams up with renowned cardiologist Dr. Alan Lotvin to give you the most cutting-edge medical research available. Doctor Chopra Says explains how you can tell the difference between true medical news and irrelevant media hype.

Groundbreaking e-book originally published as part of Doctor Chopra Says (SEE FOR DESCRIPTION)

If you were asked to conjure up images of people you consider to be great leaders from the pages of history, form ancient times right to our contemporary time, who would come to mind? Whose stories fire your imagination? Who are those individuals you most admire? Most people, when asked to identify the great leaders, usually respond by naming historic political and military leaders and perhaps some of the better-known businessmen. The stories of their lives resonate. What is it we learn from those stories? the question becomes, more specifically, how can you, in your everyday life, develop some of the same qualities of leadership that these people have demonstrated?
All of us have the potential to become leaders. Very few of us are leaders all the time, but we all encounter moments in our lives when we can and should lead others. Few people set out knowingly to become leaders; rather, they see a need and they find a way of taking on the challenge, and often others choose to follow their example.
Based on the highly praised lecture that he has given to tens of thousands of people around the world, Dr. Sanjiv Chopra’s Leadership by Example gives you memorable stories that illustrate the ten core principles of effective leadership. Drawing on his experience as a dean at Harvard Medical School as well as on the lives and teachings of great leaders throughout history, this inspiring book will help guide you to becoming a leader in your own life.

Every day, you hear about new medical studies touted as the “next big thing that will save your life.” But how can you tell which claims are real and which are bogus? Live Better, Live Longer gives you the answers
Live Better, Live Longer explains the latest research to provide you with the most accurate medical information. You will learn about the right diet, the best cancer-screening methods, the incredible power of coffee to prevent disease, the real value of vitamins and supplements, the truth about the dangers of cell phones, the facts behind vaccinations, and the scientific information you and your family need to lead a happier and healthier life.

The underlying promise of every exciting medical discovery, diet, and exercise program is the same: do this, buy this, or eat this and you will look better, live longer, and be healthier. But few books can make the promise of this one: if you adapt these five simple, virtually-free suggestions you will live a longer and healthier life, guaranteed. This is no fad study. Each of the suggestions outlined in this book has been proven by an overwhelming number of tests, trials, and studies to increase health and lifespan. There are no gimmicks, no catches, no ifs, ands, or buts. So what are the five, deceptively simple behaviors every human body needs to thrive? Drink coffee, exercise regularly, add nuts to your diet, make certain you get enough vitamin D, and meditate regularly, even if only for short intervals.
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The inspiring story of two brothers who immigrated to America from India and took very different paths to becoming world-renowned healers and teachers.
At a time when America is fiercely divided on the issue of immigration, Brotherhood tells the story of two brothers who pursued the American dream to its fullest expression. In the early 1970s, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra joined a flood of immigrants looking to make a new life in America, a land of opportunity. Having grown up in postwar India amidst the sudden freedom of the 1947 liberation, their childhood was a blend of the exotic, the mythical, and the modern. Their father was one of the first Indians to become a Western-trained cardiologist, while their extended family maintained deep roots in ancient spiritual traditions.
Brotherhood follows the Chopra brothers as one becomes a world-renowned spiritual teacher and the other rises to the top of Western medicine to become a professor at Harvard Medical School. Their story will fascinate and inspire anyone who still believes in America’s capacity to foster achievement and reward hard work.
See MoreConversations with the esteemed brothers, a Dr. Sanjiv Chopra clip on Leadership & More
The Ten Key Principles of All Great Leaders.
Top Stories in Medicine in the Last Century
Dr. Sanjiv Chopra discusses happiness and how to achieve it. Do you know the difference between happiness, joy, and bliss?
An exploration of the tenets of happiness, the critical importance of friends, ability to forgive, being of service to others, and expressing gratitud